Community Spirit

One of the things that makes us special...

We like to think we are more than just a coffee shop. We don't want to just take from the community, we want to give to the community too.

We currently host a number of Meetup Groups in our café including the "Mount Pleasant Women Who Code" meetup. These groups get together on a monthly basis to meet and exchange information, network, and generally support each other. The Women Who Code meetup is a great example of these kinds of groups and we are fully supportive of their efforts. We were especially proud to sponsor them with free coffee last year when they held their "Women Coding For Change" event. They built the website for the Mount Pleasant Women's Shelter in just one afternoon.

We're hoping to put more of these good news community stories on our website. We're here in Mount Pleasant to stay, and we want to be your community hangout. Tell us about your Scout or Girl Guide troop, your youth soccer program, your meetup, your community event. We want to be involved!

Contact Scott@BanksRoadRoasters for more details.